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Over the past 15 years, the share of solar electricity in the world energy has exceeded 5%, and this figure is constantly growing. Society has become more environmentally conscious, and every year more and more people prefer renewable energy sources. Therefore, solar power plants are a promising area of development and are definitely worth investing in. 

Why it is profitable to invest in solar power plants


1. Development prospects 

Ukraine is one of the most attractive countries in Europe for the development of solar energy. This is due to a number of reasons: a large number of land resources, the predominance of flat terrain, and government support. According to the state strategy, the share of "clean energy" production should increase to 25% by 2035.


2. Economic benefits 

It is possible not only to consume solar energy for own needs but also to sell the generated surpluses. By the way: the sun generates 15,000 times more energy each year than humanity can consume.


3. Profitable technical solutions 

Over the past few years, solar power plants have been significantly upgraded, at a relatively low cost. This guarantees the payback of the energy project.


4. Relevance 

Renewable energy is an important area of ​​development that corresponds to an environmentally friendly society. Over the years, this trend will only become more popular. After all, those people who are once connected to solar power plants no longer want to return to traditional sources of electricity. 


What do we offer to investors? 

  • Development of recommendations for site selection, type, and capacity of PV plant. 

  • Providing information on available land plots for energy facilities. 

  • Assistance and support in obtaining permits, documents for ownership, construction, design, etc. 

  • Development of optimal technical and economic solutions for project implementation. 

  • Assistance in finding co-investors for the construction of PV plants. 

  • Comprehensive implementation of the solar power plant construction project. 


Why it is worth trusting Voltage Group 

  1. Our company is accredited by the State Eco-Bank as one of the largest EPC contractors for the construction of solar power plants in Ukraine

  2. We are one of the main players in the market of solar power plants design and construction in Ukraine (designed about 100 MW, built more than 200 MW). 

  3. We provide a full range of services: from design to O&M of PV plant

  4. We cooperate with international technological partners on projects for energy storage - BESS - Battery Energy Storage System, in order to ensure the most efficient use of electricity generated by solar power plants. 

Voltage Group is more than just investing in solar panels. We approach the implementation of projects comprehensively, providing our customers with maximum guarantees. That is why, working with us, you can be 100% sure that you are making a wise investment of your own money. 


If you are interested in purchasing existing or ready to build (RTB) solar power plants, please send your request to the Business Development Director of VOLTAGE - Dmytro Nechyporenko to the e-mail address:

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